
Showing posts from July 21, 2013

MFI 22 The primary being

ANEJADEKAM MANASO JAVIYO NAINADDEVA APNUVANPURVAMARSAT | TADDHAVATO'NYANATYETI TISTHATTASMINNAPO MATARISVA DADHATI  || He is completely free of fear, for being the primary Being; He is swifter than the mind, and cannot be fully comprehended (even) by the deities (headed by Brahma), while He knows all by His own nature, before time; though unchanging, He effortlessly overtakes all, however fast they may run; to that Lord, Mukhya Prana dedicates all the actions performed by all creatures. The materials posted are copyrighted by Admin (T&C)

MFI 21 Realization

ASURYA NAMA TE LOKA ANDHENA TAMASA'VRTAH | TAMSTE PRETYABHIGACCHANTI YE KE CATMAHANO JANAH  || The worlds of eternal misery, covered with unremitting darkness, indeed, do they fall into without recourse, they who, having failed to realize the truth about the Lord (in spite of opportunity), persist in false knowledge. The materials posted are copyrighted by Admin (T&C)

MFI 20 Karma

KURVANNEVEHA KARMANI JIJEEVISHECHCHATAM SAMAH | EVAM TVAYI NANYATHETOSTI NA KARMA LIPYATE NARE || One must desire to live even a hundred years by doing prescribed karma only. Thus is it right for you, not otherwise; [if this is done, then] sin will not bind the human.   The materials posted are copyrighted by Admin (T&C)

MFI 19 Protection

OM ISAVASYAM IDAM SARVAM YAT KIM CA JAGATYAM JAGAT | TENA TYAKTENA BHUNJITHA MA GRIDHAH  KASYASVID DHANAM || Om, All this should be covered by the Lord, whatsoever moves on the earth. By such a renunciation protect (thyself) . Covet not the wealth of others. The materials posted are copyrighted by Admin (T&C)

Important Update

One of the admins, Anindya is out of the desk for some unavoidable work. And so nearly for a month he is not able to post the MF thoughts. Keep updating yourself with the posts of another admin, Chandra Sekhar B with his MFI thoughts.