
Showing posts from July 28, 2013

MFI 26 Darkness

ANDHAM TAMAH PRAVISANTI YE'VIDYAMUPASATE | TATO BHUYA IVA TE TAMO YA U VIDYAYAM RATAH  || Those who worship with false understanding enter dense, unrelenting darkness; to a greater darkness than that go they, who are merely devoted to the correct understanding. The materials posted are copyrighted by Admin (T&C)

MFI 25 Eternal

SA PARYAGAT SUKRAM AKAYAM AVRANAMASNAVIRAM SUDDHAMAPAPAVIDDHAM | KAVIRMANISI PARIBHUH SVAYAMBHUHA YATHATATHYATO'RTHAN VYADADHACCHASVATIBHYAH SAMABHYAH || He attains the Lord who is completely free of sorrow, lacking the subtle body, and the gross body, indeed is Himself the source of all purity anywhere, lacking any manner of contact with sin. That omniscient, self-sustaining Lord, the controller of all minds, has eternally created all entities in reality. The materials posted are copyrighted by Admin (T&C)

MFI 24 Supreme Nature

YASTU SARVANI BHUTANYATMANYEVA ANUPASYATI | SARVABHUTESU CATMANAM TATO NA VIJUGUPSATE || One who sees all the creatures and nature in the Supreme, and also sees the Supreme in all of them, by this reason, he becomes free of fear and does not ever need to seek concealment. The materials posted are copyrighted by Admin (T&C)

MFI 23 Almighty

TADEJATI TANNAIJATI TADDURE TADVANTIKE | TADANTARASYA SARVASYA TADU SARVASYA BAHYATAH || He causes all to tremble in fear, but He Himself fears none; He is very far off and He is also very close by; He is within everyone and everything; and also outside everyone and everything. The materials posted are copyrighted by Admin (T&C)