
Showing posts from October 6, 2013

MFI 37 Omniscient

VISHVARUUPAM HARINAM JAATAVEDASAM PARAAYANAM JYOTIREKAM APANTAAM | SAHASRARASHMIH SHATADHAA VARTAMAANAH PRAANAH PRAJAANAAMUDAYATYESHHA SUURYAH || The wise know him who is of universal form, full of rays, omniscient, the basis of all life, the one effulgent and great giver of heat. There rises the Sun of thousand rays, who is manifold in existence and the life of all creatures. 

MFI 36 Life and Energy

ATHAADITYA UDAYANYATPRAACHIIM DISHAM PRAVISHATI TENA PRAACHYAAN.H PRAANAAN RASHMISHHU SANNIDHATTE | YADDAKSHINAAM YATH PRATIICHIIM YADUDIICHIIM YADADHO YADUURDHVAM YADANTARAA DISHO YATH SARVAM PRAKAASHAYATI TENA SARVAAN PRAANAAN RASHMISHHU SANNIDHATTE || Now, when the sun having risen enters the East, by that, he holds the eastern lives in his rays. When he illuminates the south, the west, the north, the Zenith, the Nadir, the intermediate quarters, and all by that, he holds all the lives (pranas) in his rays. Note: The Sruti asserts here that wherever there is a manifestation of life and energy, it is due to the quickening influence of the sun.