Intervention: When & Why (A short description)

Many of us think that when our lives our going fine, then what is the need of following any guidelines set by parents, elders, Saints or notable persons.

Even if we are on good position, but we can make our lives better. And when the intervention of Sublime power is being seeded, then it will be a best option for human lives. Sublime power is not a particular asset of any of the religion or group or particular person. The force which runs this universe and the force which is within all of us cannot be earmarked by any segment. As it is everywhere, there are multiple options to drag or divert it for our well-beings.

As Algebra and its formulas are already there with us but to understand and use it we need training and thus practices, similarly, to be familiar with the Sublime Force, we need proper training and practice. Even here, we need more of it.

At our neighborhood, or area or country, there are many who all are very much good in guiding to focus in this field. Find them, carefully talk with them with your aims and goals and then gel with the Sublime Force. Our ultimate journey starts now. 

You can also always contact me. We all are Lightworkers, assisting the World to be on proper place.

All contents are written by Anindyya Baanerjee and intellectual property of him. Subscribe the blog by going down of the page. While commenting, maintain the dignity of the Page. Love & Light for you!


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