Summer- The Demon or Scavenger!
E very year we are are experiencing a higher degree of Summer. Climate change or the Pollution is the topic which even a child knows properly from his textbook. But in real time, we never bother about it. At the advent of March, now a days, we starts feeling the heat and it extends till the October end in most parts of India. People, in gathering or at meeting loudly say about climate change and how adversely we are affecting because of the deforestation. But in real time, though we had many agitations and movements for various social issues, we never opposed for such mass level of cutting trees for the sake of new roads, towns or colonies, factories. We never did even a mass movement for plantations. The affect is clear and easily visible. Every now and then climate change is happening across World. And in India, draught and flood are common now, though at the time of summer, most of the parts of India fights for WATER. WHY STILL WE ARE DUMB ABOUT THE KILLING OF OUR ...